


Adenosinetriphosphate is the energy carrier of every living cell. ATP is thus an indicator of biological contamination.



is the abbreviation of deoxyribonucleic acid. It can be found in the cells of all living organism as as carriers of the hereditary information. In the domain of diagnostics and forensics items contaminated by DNA can produce false-positive results.



RNases (ribonucleases) are very resistant enzymes that degrade the RNA (ribonucleic acid).
In molecular biology, RNase-free products are essential.



The polymerase chain reaction is an artificial method to amplify the DNA in thermal cyclers. Application examples: paternity tests, examination of genetic fingerprinting, detection of diseases (genetic diseases and viral infections).


PCR inhibitors

PCR inhibitors are retardants that slow down, inhibit or even prevent one or more reactions.
Items used in molecular biology must therefore be free of PCR inhibitors. 

Pyrogene / Endotoxine

Pyrogens are substances causing the body temperature to rise which leads to fever and chills.
Pyrogen-free products prevent the contamination by endotoxins, e.g. in the cell culture.
Endotoxins are counted among the pyrogens:
Endogenous pyrogens are produced by the organism itself.
Exogenous pyrogens enter the organism from the outside.



RNases (ribonucleases) are very resistant enzymes that degrade the RNA (ribonucleic acid).
In molecular biology, RNase-free products are essential.



Meaning: free from germs capable of reproduction such as microorganisms and viruses.
The efficiency of sterilization is indicated by the SAL - value (SAL = Sterility Assurance Level).
During the subsequent sterilization, the existing microorganisms are inactivated by physical and / or chemical methods. As these methods follow an exponential law, there is a statistic probability that microorganisms survive the sterilization procedure.
A SAL of 10-3 means that in an amount of 103 (= 1,000) sterilized products no more than one viable microorganism can be found.
SAL 10-6 = 1 in 1.000.000